The Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTE) and iGovTT launched a series of consultations on the National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Plan 2014-2018 on Wednesday 21 March 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel which culminated in a two-day Conference on July 11 2012 as the final point of consultation on the Draft National ICT Plan.
Read MSTE/iGovTT press ad on April 2, 2012 (PDF ; 1.3MB) which reported on the initial consultations and the schedule for consultations. Persons were also invited to comment on the draft ICT plan at http://www.ictconsultations.gov.tt/
The draft National ICT Plan dubbed “smartTT” focused on 5 thematic areas to guide the implementation of ICT development agenda for Trinidad and Tobago. The five themes were:
- Innovation and Human Capital Development,
- Access and Digital Inclusion,
- e-‐Business and ICT Sector Development
- Infrastructure Development
- e-‐Government.
The plan was predicated on the National ICT vision which is to create
“A dynamic knowledge based society, driven by the innovative use of ICTs to enhance the social, economic and cultural development of the
people of Trinidad and Tobago.”
The Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (TTCS) also submitted comments to the National ICT Consultation.
- Read TTCS Contribution to the National ICT Consultation (PDF ; 256K)
On July 11 2012 at the start of the two day conference, attendees were shown the draft smartTT ICT Plan for 2012-2016
Read/View smartTT Draft ICT Plan 2012-2016 (PDF ; 18MB ; 58 pages)
Jacqueline Morris also managed to do a ustream live webcast during the first day of the July 11 2012 conference.