Continuing the Windows 8 vision with Windows 8.1 Microsoft outlines in a blog post some of the changes users will see with Windows 8.1 Continuing the Windows 8 vision with Windows 8.1. Post date 30 May 2013 Previous post: how easy is it to hack someone’s email or create fake emails? What are the warning signs to alert the user if their email was hacked Next post: Apple WWDC 2013 ; how to watch the keynote and read the announcements
Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum (#TTIGF 2018) on Friday 26th January, 2018 – register to attend Post date 2 January 2018
TTCS online conference call on Wednesday April 25 at 8pm to discuss its comments on the Trinidad and Tobago Cybercrime Bill 2017 Post date 25 April 2018