University of Trinidad and Tobago Workshop “Cybercrimes: When Virtual Realities Become Real Life Nightmares” on November 14 2013


As a FYI, the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) will be having a workshop titled “Cybercrimes: When Virtual Realities Become Real Life Nightmares” from November 14 2013 from 8am to 3pm at the UTT Chaguanas Campus (located at Lot#1 Off Munroe Road exit and Uriah Butler Highway).

According to the UTT:

“The main benefit of the workshop will be that it will provide an updated general view of cybercrimes as well as the laws that govern cybercrime and cyber security, existing ways of tackling threats and how it can all be applied and adopted in Trinidad and Tobago. The workshop will provide valuable direction towards identifying and dealing with cybercrimes. In addition to the guest speaker, the workshop will also include presenters from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service’s Cyber Crime Unit”

To facilitate registration, we will require the attached PEU registration form to be completed and submitted (this can be done via email, fax #636-6326 or delivered to the Chaguanas campus) Once this is done we will have your registration on file pending payment which ensures enrolment and your subsequent participation in the workshop.

The cost of the workshop is $1000 TT.

Payment options are as follows:

  • Linx or Credit card payments can be made at the Chaguanas campus located at Lot#1 Off Munroe Road exit and Uriah Butler Highway
  • Direct Deposit to FCB account # 1429625. You will be required to submit the pink copy of the Direct deposit slip
  • A cheque can be issued to The University of Trinidad and Tobago in the amount of the cost of the course

See the linked files supplied by UTT for more information and contact information: